Image URL error

If you get a red warning icon in the place where your images should be, there may be an issue with the image’s URL you are using in data.to.design.


First, double check that the image URL is valid, directly links to the image and that the image can be publicly accessed.

If the error persists, you may be referencing the image preview page of an image and not the direct link to the image. You can confirm this by opening the image URL and all that should be displayed in your browser is the image. No text, UI overlays or buttons to share or download the image should be displayed.

This is a common issue when using Google Drive images, for example, you may be trying to copy a URL from the browser after clicking an image from your Drive. If so, you need to manually tweak your image URLs. Here’s how:

  1. Extract the FILE_ID from the URL

To extract the FILE_ID from the URL, copy all the characters after the "file/d/" part of the URL and up to the "/view" part. For example, in the URL https://drive.google.com/file/d/123ABC/view

the FILE_ID is 123ABC.

  1. Reformat your URL

Now, reformat the image URL to follow this pattern, where the FILE_ID goes at the end:

https://drive.google.com/uc?id=FILE_ID. So, for example, with the FILE_ID extracted in the previous step, your new image URL would be: https://drive.google.com/uc?id=123ABC.

  1. Update all image URLs in your spreadsheet

Follow the same steps above with all image URLs in the spreadsheet you are connecting to data.to.design.